Frequently Asked Questions
To post a job:
- Click the 'Post a Job' button in the navigation menu
- Fill out the job details form including title, description, requirements and company information
- Submit the form and complete the payment process
- Your job will be live on our platform for 30 days
Our standard job posting fee is $299 for a 30-day listing. This includes:
- Featured placement on our job board
- Promotion to our subscriber base
- Social media promotion
- Access to our applicant management system
To apply for a job:
- Browse our current job listings
- Click 'Apply Now' on positions that interest you
- Submit your resume and contact information
- Include a cover letter explaining your qualifications
- Complete any additional application requirements
We feature all types of jobs across various industries including:
- Software Development & Engineering
- Design & Creative
- Marketing & Sales
- Customer Support
- Project Management
- Content Writing & Editing
- Data Science & Analytics
- Administrative & Office roles
- Healthcare & Medical
- Education & Teaching
- Finance & Accounting
- Human Resources
- Manufacturing & Construction
- Retail & Hospitality
Standard job postings remain active for 30 days from the date of publication. After this period:
- The listing will automatically expire
- You can renew the posting for another 30 days
We accept the following payment methods:
- Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
- PayPal
- Bank Transfer (for enterprise clients)
Still have questions?
Our support team is here to help you with any questions about posting jobs, applying for positions, or using The Jobs Platform.
Contact Us